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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Eating habits

If you plan on being healthier and being successful, you must get into a pattern of good eating habits. I'm not talking about not eating carbs or not eating at all. I'm talking about knowing what to eat at what time of day and what foods can be eaten together and which foods shouldn't be eaten together. It's really easy to eat good and still have food that's enjoyable. Eating chicken, steak, fish etc.... all are a good base to ANY solid diet. Carbohydrates play an important part in the diet if you use them correctly and not in excess. Excess goes with anything here, if you eat a two pound steak and your not 400 pounds, your probably going to store most of that steak as fat, your body just cannot handle all that protein and fat. Over the next few weeks I'm going to tell you how to use the foods you love to help you lose weight or build muscle or even both. For right now get your mind set about eating the foods you love, I'll just be tweaking it a bit to fit your new lifestyle.

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