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Monday, July 7, 2008

What can you eat?

In order to keep your results maximized, you must have a SOLID diet plan and stick to it for at least a month before cheating. First things first, pick a source of protein that you like. Chicken, LEAN beef/steak, fish, even cottage cheese but don't make that your ONLY source. If you don't like those then you need to find a source of protein like a shake. Nectar Syntrax makes GREAT tasting protein powders that mix best with water or crystal light. Now that you have at least one protein source you need to pick a solid carbohydrate source. Potatoes, wheat bread, wheat pasta, brown or white rice are all really solid carbohydrates. Okay, so you have proteins and carbs, what about fats? A healthy diet of fats that are rich with omegas 3, 6, and 9 are crucial to fat loss, as those healthy fats release the bad fats so your body can burn them. Natural peanut butter, fish oils, flax OIL, not seeds, nuts (almonds preferably) are all very good sources of healthy fats. Ok, now get your grocery list out and add these items to it. If you don't like ANYTHING I have listed, just follow the simple steps to finding a good source. Look at the labels and see how much saturated fat, protein and carbs. Pizza has a good source of protein, carb and fats, but we all know pizza is no good in a diet. Pick out foods that have little to no carbs and fats, but are high in protein. Do the same for carbohydrate foods and fatty foods. Carbohydrate foods should not have a high amount of fat and vice versa.

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